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Up for adoption 24 January 2022

For most people, highway maintenance is not a day to day concern. But not every road is the responsibility of the local council. What if your street is “unadopted"?

Gifts for road lovers 10 December 2021

Keep being asked what you want for Christmas? No problem: here’s our pick of road-related Christmas treats for 2021.

No smoke without ire 27 October 2021

London's Ultra Low Emission Zone has just expanded to cover the whole inner city, and across the UK, other cities are implementing their own Clean Air Zones. Is this the future?

Devon help us 16 September 2021

Road signs are colour coded for different types of road, but in Devon there are more colours than anywhere else. What do Devon's colourful signs mean?

Twenty Years 24 August 2021

It's our 20th birthday! Join us as we celebrate with the return of a much-missed feature.

Knowledge is power 18 February 2021

We're expanding our information pages to provide better coverage of the basics - perfect if you're new to the world of road enthusiasts or if you're just dropping by to answer a question.

Somerset shows the way 27 January 2021

Somerset County Council have started restoring the county’s many fingerposts to their former glory. Somerset resident JR offers a guided tour of some of the county's remarkable historic signposts.

The thrill of the open road 10 June 2020

Three more commemorative booklets have been added to the website, published at the opening of three very different motorway projects.


The lockdown quiz: answers 29 April 2020

Last week we set you 50 tricky road-based quiz questions. Suffer no longer - here are the answers!

What's new

Schrödinger’s speed limit

In 2022, Manchester City Council say they reduced the speed limit on the Mancunian Way to 30mph. But it’s not clear if they did. It’s not even clear if they can.

Sorry, wrong number

Road numbering is a system with clear rules. What happens when the people responsible for numbering roads don't follow them?

We need to talk about Wisley

National Highways are spending a third of a billion pounds rebuilding one of the most congested junctions on the M25. Is it money well spent?

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London's Forgotten Arterial Roads

The 1920s and 30s saw a huge roadbuilding boom in London's suburbs. Some of those roads are incredibly well known, but here are five Arterial Roads that have been almost completely forgotten.