Contact me

Hello! I'm Chris. I run this website. You can contact me using this form. It's always nice to hear from you.

Before you start, the answers to all the most common questions are in the FAQ, and for anything else, you'll find the SABRE forums will provide you with an answer more reliably and more quickly than I can.

I don't have the time to reply to all the emails I receive, but I reply to as many as I can. But please don't get the wrong idea! I'm actually very friendly and your email is more than welcome.

The small print

Here are some things I can't help you with.

  • I am not the government, your local council or National Highways.
  • I am not a highway engineer or a civil engineer.
  • I am not able to advise you on anything to do with traffic law.
  • I don't have official information about the road network. (For traffic counts, precise location of roadside assets, and anything else of that nature, I can only direct you to the Department for Transport.)
  • I'm not going to give you a job.
  • I can't help you get a speed limit, road classification or parking restriction changed.
  • I can't explain to you why a specific speed limit, road classification or parking restriction exists.
  • I can't help you get a parking ticket or speeding fine overturned, or offer you any advice about them.
  • I do not carry paid content and I am not interested in publishing your sponsored link, content placement, guest post, collaboration or advertising.
If your feedback is used on the site, you may be credited by name. Tick the box if you'd prefer to remain anonymous.

What's new

Schrödinger’s speed limit

In 2022, Manchester City Council say they reduced the speed limit on the Mancunian Way to 30mph. But it’s not clear if they did. It’s not even clear if they can.

Sorry, wrong number

Road numbering is a system with clear rules. What happens when the people responsible for numbering roads don't follow them?

We need to talk about Wisley

National Highways are spending a third of a billion pounds rebuilding one of the most congested junctions on the M25. Is it money well spent?

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New Medway Viaducts

Taken over the course of two years, from 2002 to 2003, these sixteen images chart the construction of two new bridges alongside the M2 Medway Viaduct.