Contract interface, view east, 3 April 1995
Contract interface, view east (see all photos of the same view)
The end of contract 1 can be seen here, and work has finally started on contract 2 - though it hasn't got far. A multitude of tents can be seen in the treetops of Stanworth Valley where protestors were attempting to halt progress on the motorway; at the top right, a new access track has been laid to reach the contract 2 works and at the time this picture was taken it appears to have several police vans parked on it. A mechanical excavator is parked on the line of the road and surrounded by people - a standoff between protestors, contractors and police, perhaps.
At the bottom of the picture, rock cutting has begun at Stanworth, with a deep trial pit now dug.
3 April 1995
(see all photos from this date)
Direction of view