A470 End to End

If you want to travel between South Wales and North Wales, you have two options. You can go through the middle of Wales, which ought to be the obvious option, but it's a bit hilly there and so most people take the alternative, which is to travel via England where it's a bit flatter and the roads are faster.

The road through the middle, travelling coast to coast in order to link Cardiff with Llandudno, is the A470 — the Trans-Wales Highway if you like. It's an important trunk route, receives huge investment for improvement works, and yet still — because of the geography — is extremely indirect and slow.

That's no reason not to use it though: it's also incredibly picturesque, pleasingly quiet and rather wonderfully varied. The whole drive takes about five hours, but it's well worth the ride. Below are 39 pictures giving a small flavour of the roadtrip (driven by the capable Bryn Buck) when we did the road in one shot.


With thanks to Peter, Ian Duff, Heather, Chris Cowdery, and Michael for information on this page.

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