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Matthew Kilburn 3 July 2010

Locally this is thought of as three junctions - Loop Farm roundabout (A44 and A4260 to Kidlington, most of the latter being a part of the Oxford western by-pass severed by the Gosford diversion opened in 1990); Pear Tree Interchange (A34 and A44, converted from roundabout as part of the Gosford diversion) and the Wolvercote roundabout (A40, A44 and [unsigned] A4144 from Oxford; built in 1930s as part of Oxford northern by-pass and little changed since).

I'm sure Pear Tree interchange was left as it was because it was assumed that the so-called 'Tin Hat' scheme which would have built a new dual carriageway to by-pass the suburban stretch of the Oxford northern by-pass would follow swiftly in the 1990s. Needless to say, it didn't happen and probably never will. There have been schemes for relief roads, including one from a new roundabout to be built at the park and ride junction down to the A40 running parallel to the A34 at ground level, but this is tied in to proposed industrial development in this triangle to pay for it, and there is huge local opposition - not only because it's green belt, but because new industry will only generate more road traffic.

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